Prying into a puma rails webserver effectively in single mode over docker

Prying into a puma rails web server effectively in single (non-cluster) mode over docker

Break points in rails web servers


Starting a rails server for debugging

class MyController < JSONAPI::ResourceController
  def create


    payload = serializer.serialize_to_hash(new_resource_instance)
    render json: payload, status: :ok


you would start a rails server using the rails server command

rails s

curl the endpoint, and trace through the stack in your rails console

Frame number: 0/99

From: /opt/demo-service/app/controllers/my_controller.rb @ line 4 MyController#create:

    2: def create
    3:   binding.pry
 => 4:   payload = serializer.serialize_to_hash(new_resource_instance)
    5:   render json: payload, status: :ok
    6: end

Adding puma

Now, when you run rails s, you’ll get something like

docker exec -it demo-service_apronfile_up_web  /bin/bash
root@c5ac60c6d5c7:/opt/demo-service# rails s -b
=> Booting Puma
=> Rails 5.0.6 application starting in development on
=> Run `rails server -h` for more startup options
Puma starting in cluster mode...
* Listening on tcp://
Frame number: 0/99

From: /opt/demo-service/app/controllers/my_controller.rb @ line 4 MyController#create:

    2: def create
    3:   binding.pry
 => 4:   payload = serializer.serialize_to_hash(new_resource_instance)
    5:   render json: payload, status: :ok
    6: end

Problem with binding.pry timeouts in cluster mode


Now, puma will start in single mode in development, and your debug session will remain active until you choose to exit

=> Booting Puma
=> Rails 5.0.6 application starting in development on
=> Run `rails server -h` for more startup options
Puma starting in single mode...